
Dining and re-dining with Thyestes. Embodying Seneca’s tragedy in antiquity and today


Laura Gianvittorio-Ungar


Stage director and choreographer Claudia Bosse and the Vienna-based theatre group theatercombinat have once again re-interpreted an ancient tragedy in thought-provoking fashion. Thyestes, Brüder! Kapital. Anatomie einer Rache draws inspiration from Seneca’s Thyestes to experiment with the relationships between actors and chorus, performers and spectators, space and body, text and performance. The play premiered in Düsseldorf (September 11th to 14th, 2019) and was then performed in Vienna (October 2nd to 17th). 

La regista-coreografa Claudia Bosse e la compagnia teatrale viennese theatercombinat hanno offerto, ancora una volta, una rielaborazione provocatoria di un dramma antico. Thyestes, Brüder! Kapital. Anatomie einer Rache si ispira al Tieste di Seneca per sondare le relazioni tra attori e coro, tra interpreti e spettatori, tra spazio e corpo e tra testo e performance. Dopo la prima a Düsseldorf (11-14 Settembre 2019) l’opera è stata presentata anche a Vienna (2-17 Ottobre).

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